Husky Growth (formerly titled: In School Program) began in 2009 as the primary form of structured programming during school time engagement. Husky Sport program leaders work alongside classroom teachers and students to co-develop curriculum for weekly engagement that focuses on physical activity and nutrition education that supplements the transferable life skills and academic enrichment learning already happening within participating classrooms. As an enrichment program, Husky Growth is built into school time classroom schedules’ just like music, art, and P.E. classes. Husky Sport program leaders, student staff, and service learning student-volunteers come together during sessions of Husky Growth to provide a favorable ratio of college students and youth participants, with classroom teachers actively involved.
Points of emphasis within Husky Growth:
- Student, teacher, and Husky Sport collaborative learning
- Age and culturally relevant curriculum
- Nutritious snack and education
- Physical activity and games
- Life skill development (i.e., respect, accountability, leadership, communication)
- Literacy and numeracy skill development
- Consistent UConn presence, allowing for individual and small group engagement
- Evaluation of programming and suggestions for improvement